Well, I lost. Here is the board as it ended as well as a brief description of what happened and takeaway lessons.
Black ended up winning when blue resigned which seemed odd to me as blue was by no means loosing. There is a possibility they were working together, but no way to know for sure.
Anyway I lost when blue managed to get control of south America with a large number of troops and establish himself in central America. While I had taken North America, I had lost it by my next turn.
You will notice that the two most successful players got the small continents early (Australia and South America) and managed to use that to gain an advantage against myself and puple and ultimately keep us from reaping the benefits of larger continents.
Trying to conquer all of North America left me very weakened compared to blue and unable to keep him out of my territory. Without North America I ultimately had no troop income to oppose him successfully and fell further and further behind with each passing turn.
I recently started a team game and will be focusing on that in upcoming posts. As always, please comment and leave your feedback.